In 1979, Meikei High School was founded by Meikei Kai, the alumni association of the University of Tsukuba, to provide education to the children of researchers in Tsukuba, the international science city of Japan. Since then, we have been committed to holistic, all-round education that values students’ decision-making power, resilient activeness, and a rich sense of humanity.
Meikei High School was founded as a progressive education school by Meikei Kai, the alumni association of Tokyo Normal Higher School (the first teacher-training school for secondary-level education in Japan, currently known as the University of Tsukuba), which has a history of 130 years. Our creative education has fostered the unique characteristics of each student. Many Meikei graduates have achieved outstanding success in various fields including scientific research, medicine, business, education, and arts, not only in Japan but in overseas as well. Their achievements are a proof of the significance of Meikei education.
MG Course
IB Course