MEXT Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship for studying in Japan provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (MEXT). MEXT currently offers 4 types of scholarship for Research Students, Undergraduate Students, College of Technology Students, and Specialized Training College Students.
Education Fees: Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation, and tuition at universities will be paid by MEXT.
Monthly Allowance:
117,000yen: For Undergraduate Students, College of Technology Students, and Specialized Training College Students.
For Research Students, the scholarship shall be paid depending on the course enrolled in.
Note: Due to the situation of the Japanese Government’s budget, the amount of payment may be subject to change each fiscal year.
Travelling Expense: One round-trip ticket is provided.
For more detailed information about each category of the scholarship, please visit the Embassy of Japan in Cambodia’s official website.